report  - at home again

We can not tell our impressions and feelings in words when coming home. Still we do not know how we really feel. All we can do is to create a small list with the facts when "coming home"
-the handling of the shipment from our Landy out of Melbourne works perfect.
-the last few days at the Zanon's are passing by while finalizing the scrap book as well as the slide show.
-fly out from Melbourne on time
-not planned, bad organized (Qantas) six hour stop-over in Singapore
-With four hour delay and 34hour on the run touch down in Munich
-gorgeous "hello" surprise from 14 people
-Back to the "Seitenbachweg" with a 20seater bus
-the rest of the "party force" is already waiting at the highly polished and decorated home.
-at least in concern of parties nothing changed- we continued where ended 286days ago- a 24hour (nearly) non-stop party got fixed this time too.


15. Juni '07 --- SLIDESHOW --- Haus der Natur Salzburg

At 6:00 p.m. the crowd shuffles in the recitation room of the Haus der Naturs at Salzburg. We know right now, our expectations of this evening get overtopped today. Just by verbal propaganda and some E-mails nearly 150 people get mobilized, and are watching the 90 minutes raped.  Just the facts that the two dozen kids are watching the pics with big eyes, and that the 30 DVD's from our trip are out of stock within seconds showing to us - you enjoyed it too !!
THANKS for the numerous coming -  we are overwhelmed - it was great fun !! 


28. - 30. June 2007 LONDON

The donations raised from the above mentioned event got invested immediately and directly into a short term journey to London. The first few hours are very unusual for us - without our kids ?? Never happened this before... But we are not lonely !! No matter where and when we explored this City- it is crowded !! Tourists are clustering in front of attractions- Businessman are clustering in (front) of the pubs from late morning. People from all over the world keep the Pound rolling- which feels quiet well here, except in the own wallet. Although the amount and dimensions of "old stones" is impressing - it might be a matter of fact that we are spoiled by Salzburg at that point- in the matter of the public transportation it is different... The perfect "tube" system of London prevented us from the worst case- but after three days our feet are burning beside the wallet.




26. - 28. July 2007 around the "DACHSTEIN"

Afer years, even centuries of mental preparation we are ready to take off for the Mountainbike trip around the Dachstein. After a short delay we are starting in Bad Goisern , immediately a steep climb along the old Pötschenroad follows- Andrea speeds up and we are sweating like in hell. After the short lunchbrake at the beautiful Ödsee we are biking up to  Viehbergalm. Really exhaustet we are enjoing the Brettjause as well as the "shower" in the tub at the "Leni´s hut". For the friendly guys up here it is no problem at all that we put our (so hard transported) tent near their place !! Just magnificent !! What a day - but we can not stay awake till the stars are up in the sky.
Right after the original Leni-breakfast we are starting the downhill to Gröbming.  The perfect signage guides us up the Kulm and further up and down the hills to Annaberg. Today again over 1700meter elevation and a great place to put our tent- even the thunderstorm was sparing us !!
The third and last day of this beoutiful round trip get started at 6:30 already. So the ridiculous 1200m elevation are made around noon time already. Up the Hornspitz and Paß Gschütt  and the circle is closed !!



30.December 2007

Since a few years this day is for "Gaisbock" only, and we take a time out for biking up the Mt. Gais. Although there are not all of the founders of the "Gaisbocks" on board this year, we are glad to take off by seven biker. Some of the "bocks" paid special attention to the weather conditions by watching the sky till 3:00am in the morning, but it did not prevent from getting an ice rain in the morning. All after days of great winter weather. However, lucky the one who found some grip by climbing the Mt. Gais, and so it took at least one hour (maybe two;-) to reach the top and say "PROST" to the good and healthy 2007. After some "Schnaps" and "Punsch" we are though enough to fight the downhill- another - the last Gaisbock highlight ´07.